Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Secret's Secret

Many of you might have heard all about the rage of the new book and coming movie “The Secret.” The philosophy behind The Secret is that you can create the life you want for yourself. You must simply see success in your mind in order to achieve it in the real world. This is a powerful exercise that can be remarkably successful. There is one major problem to such a philosophy. You must be convinced that the philosophy will work in order for it to work! If I am convinced I am an intellectual and envision myself being one, then there is a better chance I would become one. I cannot simply pop the idea into my head and hope for the best. I truly have to be 100% convinced that I am an intellectual to better my chances at being one.

You can’t take a placebo, knowing it’s a placebo, and have the placebo effect work – that is just silly. Same thing goes with The Secret’s philosophy. You must blindly accept that The Secret will work in order for it to work. Just as if you were to assume a placebo is not really a placebo for it to work. The real secret in “The Secret” is the book itself. The book yields authority to the general public. Similar to a scientist giving you a pill – the scientist has authority with his medical knowledge and sleek lab coat. The general public is fooled to blindly believe that the book is an omniscient one. This is what makes “The Secret” so powerful – it convinces people to believe in its philosophy because it’s a book!

I am going to come up wtih my own bullshit self-help book too:

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